29 mayo 2021



Hundido en mis pensamientos,


Cabalgo hacia la locura,

Caballo incierto de dudas,

Montura de mal asiento.

Y no queda otra que patalear,

Sacar la cabeza a fuerza de nadar.

Porque no hay cordura en tan sólo flotar,

La verdad se encuentra en la profundidad.

Ombligos de complacencia,

Rellenos de dogma y fe,

Sobre el agua mueren de sed,

Ahogados de intrascendencia.

Quiera mi locura hundirme en este mar,

Arrastrarme al fondo de la humanidad.

Porque no hay cordura en tan sólo flotar,

Hay que sumergirse en pos de la verdad.

Hundido en mis pensamientos,

Locura y cordura forjan,

Ambigua moneda de hierro,

Certeza que se hunde y flota.

21 mayo 2021

Rubbish Dump

There is a little girl carrying a planet in a black bag.

She walks alone dragging it slowly through the wasteland.

And she never asks for help, no matter the weight,

She lifts it up her shoulder to take it to the sky,

She looks up at the stars, she dreams of the past,

And though she’s quite skinny she very rarely cries.

She never asks for help, no matter the weight.

Sometimes this little girl follows the dry bed of the river,

The dragging of the planet sometimes makes it a bit deeper.

But she never asks for help, no matter the depth,

She pulls through the days with the little nature gives her,

And nature’s almost rotten and the days are always bitter,

But she never gives up, with her huge bag she lingers.

She never asks for help, no matter the depth.

I don't know

Ferrari’s emblem on a wheelchair.

A rider riding backwards on a bull.

A wolf devouring itself.

Schopenhauer at your birthday party.

I don’t know what’s going on.

The world is not changing at all.

The first crack on the eggshell.

One way only swinging doors.

Friends that don’t stand each others.

Different games with the same scores.

I don’t know what’s going on.

The world is not changing at all.

Water traded on the stock exchange.

February the twenty nineth.

Water pistols filled with urine.

Long eyelashes of beautiful eyes.

I don’t know what’s going on.

The world is not changing at all.


A snail going backwards.

Roses behind bars.

A queen cat nursing mice.

I don’t know what’s going on.

The world is not changing at all.

Boris Becker donating sperm.

Better halves of the wrong wholes.

Forests in planets without men.

Donald Trump.

I don’t know what’s going on.

The world’s still spinning on.